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level 7: thunderstorm and lightning
Raina is enjoying a spring day at the park in Iowa. Until the weather turns. Can you help her get to safety? Type in the password to play.
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Raina is enjoying a spring day at the park in Iowa. Until the weather turns. Can you help her get to safety? Type in the password to play.
Springtime in Iowa!
RAINA: I heard it might rain today.
Raina and her friend are talking on the park bench.
FRIEND: Finally! We've been under a drought for so long.
RAINA: I know. I couldn't take baths, just showers. Uses less water.
On the left, lightning flashes in the sky and the girls look up stunned. On the right, Raina begins to count.
FRIEND: Whoa!!
RAINA: One, two, three, four ...
Power surge
Why is Raina counting?
Raina is counting. The girls are still by the bench.
RAINA: ... 27, 28, 29, 30.
If you see lightning and can't count to 30 before you hear thunder, take cover.
But if you start to see a lot of lightning, run!
There is another crack of lightning. The girls looking up and both begin counting.
RAINA AND FRIEND: One, two, three ...
On the left, Raina and her friend are looking up at the sky. There is lightning and thunder. On the right, the friend is pointing to the bikes on the fence.
BOOM! FRIEND: Yikes! FRIEND: Let's hop on and pedal fast!
Power surge
Should they ride their bikes home?
Play Again
Game over!
Don't touch anything metal in a lightning storm such as bikes, fences, or playground equipment. Metal conducts electricity and you could get hurt. Play again?
On the left, a close up of Raina talking to her friend. On the right, Raina and her friend are running across the field toward houses. There is lightning and thunder in the background.
RAINA: No bikes! We could get electrocuted from the metal.
It begins to downpour. The girls are running across the field. Raina's friend points to a tree in the center of the field.
Here comes the rain!
FRIEND: Over there! To the tree!
Power surge
Should they stand under the tree to get out of the rain?
Play Again
Game over!
Never stand near a tall tree or pole. They act as lightning rods. Play again?
On the left, a close up of Raina talking. On the right, Raina and her friend are running.
RAINA: Stay away from the tree! Lightning hits things that are tall and we could get hurt!
Raina and her friend are dripping wet in Raina's house.
CAPTION: They are soaked ... but home safe.
Power surge
What should they do?
Play Again
Game over!
Never wash hands, or take a bath or shower during a lightning storm. Faucets can conduct electricity and you could get hurt. Play again?
Play Again
Game over!
Stay away from windows and doors in a big storm. They could blow open or shatter and you could get hurt. Play again?
On the left, Raina is talking to her friend. On the right, the friend is looking out the window.
RAINA: C'mon. I'll lend you some dry clothes.
RAINA: Stay away from the window! It could shatter and hurt you.
Raina and her friend walk past the bathroom.
FRIEND: Can I blow dry my hair?
RAINA: No way! A power surge from the lightning could come through the cord and electrocute you!
Raina and her friend are on the floor of her room, playing a game.
CAPTION: The thunder and lightning continue.
FRIEND: We need to go back out and get our bikes.
Power surge
CAPTION: When can they go back outside?
VISUAL: A close up of Raina talking to her friend and texting her father.
RAINA: Remember the 30/30 rule. We have to wait until 30 minutes after the thunder ends.
DAD TEXT: You home?
VISUAL: Raina is texting her father.
RAINA TEXT: Yes. We left our bikes at the park, tho.
DAD TEXT: Smart move. Bring laptop upstairs. Photo albums, too. There's a flood warning.
VISUAL: Raina and her friend are walking upstairs, carrying albums, accordion files, and a laptop. Her friend is carrying Raina's dog.
RAINA: We need to stay up here. In case there's a flash flood.
FRIEND: C'mon, pup. You're staying up here with us.
MISTI: Congratulations! You survived a thunderstorm and lightning. CAPTION: You've survived the disasters! But wait. True Disaster Masters must take a turn in the hot seat. Go to the next level and type HEAT to start the bonus round. Or write it down to play later.